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What is Plasma?

Plasma is a gold-colored liquid that makes up about 55% of your blood. It is essential for maintaining proper body function and facilitates the movement of hormones, enzymes, proteins and important nutrients throughout your body. The plasma in blood also helps the lungs during the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

What does plasma do?

Plasma does many important things for your body, like:

  • Redistributing water where your body needs it.
  • Keeping blood vessels from collapsing or clogging.
  • Maintaining blood pressure and circulation.
  • Regulating body temperature.
  • Removing waste from cells.
  • Helping clot blood.
  • Defending against bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic infections.

HOW DOES donating plasma work?

Plasma is donated through a process called plasmapheresis, a safe and medically monitored process that separates and collects the plasma from your blood using a special machine. Instead of removing all your blood components, the machine returns the other blood components (red cells, white cells, platelets) to your body, along with a sterile saline solution to begin replacing the liquid you’ve donated. While it may sound intense, it’s like donating blood and only requires a brief needle stick. We offer a variety of comfort items to optimize your donation experience, and our skilled and friendly team members will monitor you throughout the donation process.

WHAT IS plasma used for?

Your plasma donation helps change lives. For many, plasma-derived biotherapies are the only way to effectively treat their condition or disease.

The proteins, antibodies, clotting factors and other nutrients in plasma donations help doctors provide lifesaving treatment for those suffering from trauma, shock, burns and other emergencies.

Plasma is also used to treat rare and inherited chronic conditions, like immune deficiencies, autoimmune disorders and hemophilia (the inability of blood to clot).

That’s why your donations are so important — and it’s also the reason you get financially compensated to donate plasma.