How to Donate Plasma or Platelets

Our skilled team will guide you through every step of the plasma donation process. Once you've completed two plasma donations and become a qualified donor, we may invite you to donate platelets if you’re a good match. The process for both is similar. Here is a step-by-step guide with everything you need to know about our donation process – start to finish.
does it take to donate plasma or platelets?
First-Time Plasma:
2 Hours
Returning Plasma:
1-1.5 Hours
2.5 Hours
First-Time Plasma:
2 Hours
2 Hours
Returning Plasma:
1-1.5 Hours
1-1.5 Hours
2.5 Hours
2.5 Hours

Review plasma or platelet donation, eligibility, process and payment.

Schedule an appointment online or by calling 866-442-9268.

Prepare for your appointment by hydrating, eating a healthy meal and gathering your medical information.

Check in for your appointment online or when you arrive.

Complete a preliminary health screening with a trained team member.

Sit back and relax while we prepare materials and equipment.

Donate, and use the time to enjoy a book, podcast or movie.

Replenish fluids and nutrients with a selection of snacks before you leave.

Get paid digitally, so that you can use it right away.

TIPS FOR the most comfortable experience.
Here are a few things you need to know about the process to get paid for donating plasma or platelets. These recommendations will help you have a more comfortable and relaxing donation experience.
- Gather all necessary information before your appointment (e.g., government-issued photo ID, proof of address, social security number, bank account information).
- Limit alcohol and caffeine intake, beginning a few days before your appointment.
- Begin eating protein- and iron-rich meals a few days before your appointment.
- Eat a healthy snack or meal a few hours before your appointment.
- Stay hydrated before, during, and after your appointment.
- Avoid nicotine within an hour of your appointment.
- Try to get about eight hours of sleep the night before your appointment.
- Dress comfortably, and be sure to wear a short-sleeved shirt (or one with sleeves that can be easily rolled above the elbow.
- Bring something to help pass the time (e.g., a book, podcast, music, coloring pages, or journal).
- Learn more about what to expect during your donation.
Schedule a donation today, earn money, and make a meaningful impact.
Ready to get started?
Are you interested in becoming a plasma and platelet donor? Contact our plasma donation center in Aurora, IL to schedule an appointment today.